Back to School

I had contacted Citizen’s Project just after the school break had begun and now I am in progress with reconnecting and beginning the process of choosing something to do for Citizen’s Project. I plan on updating more involving what I will be doing with this organization as soon as I have contacted and made decisions.

Talking with people

Today I had talked with Deb from citizens project. It was a very light heart-ed conversation about some of the major issue in the area and just in general what I might be able to do for Citizens Project. We are looking at possibly doing a fundraiser and or a project around educating the public on voting and legislation in the local community. I plan on talking more with her once I get back from break and hopefully make some strides to really make some change.

DOL Night

Sadly I was not able to be at the Demonstration of Learning night. However I did have people fill in for me, which it showed moderate success but very little funds. I do plan on thinking of a few ways to fundraiser the small amount of money for the chapter kit. I have also finally received an email from the organization Citizen’s Project. I plan on meeting with them over break. Hopefully this is a productive break. I will update when new information is out. Until then this may be the last post seen for a little while.

DOL Night

Tonight is the demonstration of learning night, where I shall be presenting the Students for a free Tibet chapter idea and begin raising money to fund an account for the website and a chapter kit. Hopefully we can raise enough money to actually get our accounts rolling. Something I look forward to with this is finding possible adult recruits willing to participate on the project. I would like to see the chapter be around for years to come.

Demonstration of Learning

I plan on presenting the idea of making a chapter for Students of a Free Tibet and holding a small donations jar that would provide the kit and the membership required to get the chapter started. I’m very excited to be presenting this idea and I will be making an info-graphic that will stand as a booth where I plan on having multiple participants standing by to talk to people about the situation in Tibet and what a chapter in the school could do.

Preparing to Send Emails

Today I finish off any emails I had been preparing and send them to their corresponding charities. The four charities I have chosen are Freedom Firm, ACE Scholarship, Citizens Project. I had one other in mind which was Students for a Free Tibet. I decided to what on contacting this organization because what I was interested in doing would revolve around the participation of other students which I don’t have any students committed. Once I have done this I will send an email to that organization and begin the process of making a chapter in my school.

German Class Gesundheit Blog

Mein Gesundheit ist gut, aber kann besser sein. Mein stärke bessern nicht auf. Ich soll esse mehr gesundes Essen und besser frühstücken. Ich habe viele unbearbeitet verstauchen. Ich soll ein Arzt gehen für mein verstaucht. Meine Immunsystem ist sehr gut und ich bekomme kleine Erkrankung. Ich soll mehr schlafen haben.

Zuerst werde ich ein essen plan. Morgen werde ich mehr eiweißstoff für mein Immunsystem. Ich will Eier und kartoffeln mit Milche. Dann für Mittagessen ich werde haben mehr obst und Kohlenhydrat. Unverarbeiten fleisch werdt ihm Jausenbrot mit obst und keine kandeiren! Mein Mahl soll kocht von frisch essen. Ich will nicht Dosen essen.

Jetzt werde ich ein Aufgabe stärke plan. Am Woche ich Stärke classe habe. Am Wochenende ich soll fortfahren mein Stärke plan mit Turnen gehen. Hoffentlich das werdt gut für mein Gesundheit.