Students for a Free Tibet

Students for a free Tibet has a program that allows the opening of chapters in schools to raise awareness and recruit volunteers. It seems like a lengthy process but it helps the charity a lot for fund raising and other vital aspects of the charity. I plan on organizing a group that is interested in a chapter and begin the process of making one.

Getting Ready to Work

Today I will be getting emails ready to talk to some charities that will be interested in working with me. The main reason behind going to multiple places is that if a charity doesn’t work our then I will still have a chance with multiple other charities. Hopefully I can get the one I was looking forward to working with but in any case I will still be making my way to one of them and helping someone.

Places of Charity

Firstly, it is important to find places that do center around the act of giving people freedoms and independence. This a collection of those places.


Citizens Project: A State Organization centered around the protection of people from the government.

Disability Services of Colorado: Easter Seals are service givers. People with disabilities are given individualized services from Easter Seals to meet their needs thus giving them more an easier, freer, and more independent lifestyle.


Freedom From Religion Foundation: Makes sure of the enforcement of freedom of religion and the separation of state and church.

ACE Scholarships: Gives a chance for children to get quality education.


Freedom Foundation: It works towards making America more self responsible and independent.

Access Freedom: Is a contractor that modifies the homes of people with disabilities to give them more independent living.


Students for a Free Tibet: Working with the Tibetan people in their struggle for Freedom and Independence.

Freedom Firm USA: An International Organization that focuses on freeing slaves of sex traffic.


What I’m Looking For

One must understand who they want to help before they can begin to understand how they can help them. The most important thing to me is Freedom and Independence. I would like to find a charity that can give people their right to freedom in places that they might not be given this right. A charity that will ensure Independence that will make sure that they cannot be taken their right to freedom again. Say someone who has been wrongfully accused and went through improper jury and simply was jailed just because of their right to free speech. Or perhaps a whole country that is being ruled by a tyrannical government that strikes down any form of freedom.